Manuscript Preparation Rates

Proofreading, Copy editing, Editing, and Indexing.

Every writer needs a fresh pair of eyes to review a completed manuscript. It is difficult, if not impossible, for you to do this yourself—your eyes don’t see the mistakes because your brain fills in the blanks, corrects errors, and reads your words as you speak, which may not be correct in terms of usage, punctuation, and grammar. 

Any work you present to the public in published form must be free from typographical and grammatical errors as well as usage issues and sentence structural problems. We do all of our work in house and do not outsource our contracts. You will have a working relationship with our professional staff. We will work with you to make your work the best it can be.

This table from Wikipedia will help you understand the differences between the various services and may help explain why some cost more than others.


Table of editing, copy-editing, and proofreading service definitions

We gladly accept these types of works:

  • Academic Papers, Essays, Dissertations, Theses
  • Autobiographies and Biographies
  • Classroom Materials
  • Cookbooks
  • eBooks
  • Fiction (Novels, Novellas, Short Story Collections)
  • Journal and Magazine Articles
  • Manuals, Handbooks, and How-To Books
  • Historical Non-Fiction
  • Textbooks and Technical Publications
  • Screenplays and Plays


We accept digital files in Microsoft® Word, Adobe InDesign®, and Adobe Acrobat® (PDFs). We will return your MS Word document and a corrected version, with changes tracked in Word’s track changes feature. If you elect to send a hard copy via snail mail, we will work on the hard copy document and return marked-up copy in addition to your original manuscript. 

Manuscript Preparation Rates
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, consistency

$2.50 per page

Proofreading & Copy-editing & Heavy content re-writing

$8.00 per page

Proofreading, plus cross-checking references, facts, formatting, and rewriting for style, clarity, and tone

$3.50 per page

Indexing for Non-Fiction
Human generated Author/Subject index

$4.00 per page


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